Placebo Entertainment

Founder & Lead Producer

May – Aug ‘24

Available on and Steam

   Beyond the Marion is a 3D First Person walking simulator and puzzle game where you solve problems and talk to your crewmates all the while trying to find a way out of a time loop.

Blue background with yellow text "Beyond the Marion" and a grey rocket ship coming out of a stylized black hole.

   From a business standpoint I founded Placebo Entertainment, registered as an LLC, wrote up contracts as well as the company operating agreement, and set up
our bank account. If you would like to see examples of this work check out our company page! 

   In terms of project management I helped set up and organize our team’s custom task management software. Wrote up usage documentations, lead team lead syncs, and ran one-on-ones to ensure team members were doing well and not burning themselves out. I also occasionally wrote for the company blog.

   I have always been interested in indie development, but few indie companies have the bandwidth to take on interns, so I figured I could create the opportunity for myself and my fellow classmates instead. I tried to use my experience in industry to create an environment that mirrored actual development, and took great joy in setting up industry connections for my team, including mentorship from Jim Boone, former Chief Creative Officer at Volition and current Studio Executive Producer at Bad Robot Games.