
Rachel Rudy

   A Game Design major at Bradley University, I have been creating and publishing games, experiences, and art for over three years. I’ve always been a storyteller, and it is my goal to work with diverse teams to help them tell their stories. As something  of a video game outsider, only discovering my passion for the medium late into High School, I bring a unique perspective to the projects
I work on.

   I am proud to have worked on teams both inside and outside of my University. I am producing for my Senior Capstone on a team of over 30.  I was a Production Intern at Volition, the team behind Saints Row and Red Faction, as a sophomore. I started and ran an independent studio publishing on Itch.io and Steam. I produced my department’s end of the year showcase in 2023, and published a game with Bully Pulpit Games, creators of Fiasco,
the year before.

   I use every project to get better and learn from my mistakes so I can better serve the people I work with. A project is only ever as good as the team who is making it, and nothing fulfills me more than helping each person I meet accomplish their goals and feel proud of the work they do. I also spend my free time singing with a jazz band on campus and listening to as many podcasts as possible.


Production Intern at Volition

Game Design Student of the Year ’22

Conference Associate at GDC

President of Interactive Media Student Advisory Board